Rumination is repeatedly thinking the same thoughts, and sometimes it is beyond the limits in such a way that it breaks you apart. Rumination brings anxiety, stress, and melancholy. It spoils relationships, friendship, and self you.
Last year I read a book called “Emotional First Aid” by Guy Winch. A phenomenal self-help book. I really needed that book, and it helped me come out of my rumination to a remarkable extent. Before reading this, I was not aware of my state at all. When I read the instances mentioned in the book, I could relate it to my situation.
There are few suggestions given in the book in case if you need to work on the rumination. First, change your perspective. See the situation that you are dealing with, with the eye of the third person. Second, go easy on your friends. Often you tend to discuss the same thing time and again with your friends. Unknowingly you tear your friendship when you keep cribbing on the same thing. Third, reframe your anger. Never vent your anger on by hitting a pillow or breaking something, instead think the positive side of it. Last but not least, distract yourself from the thought which is causing emotional pain.
Try applying the above four methods. It will definitely help. For more details on these topics, do read the book that I mentioned earlier.