Performance Pressure
Unlike others, my parents never overwhelmed me with their expectations during my childhood. Despite him not so educated, my father knew the value of education. I don’t recall any time that he asked me to study to get the first rank. He always suggested me to study well. I remember once when I updated him about my exam, which did not go well on my expectation; he encouraged me to relax and prepare well for the next exam. He never set any performance pressure for me. However, I had set one for me.
Yes, performance pressure is something when you set your expectations too high on you. You don’t want to fail. By chance, if you find yourself on the brink of failure, you punish yourself. Sometimes this punishment even tends to be suicidal because it is too tough to accept defeat for some people.
As I grew up, I lowered my expectations. I stopped punishing myself because life is too short to bear this pressure. I started accepting the failure. It is ok to fail at times, but don’t let the failure take your life. Eradicate the performance pressure and enjoy life as it is.